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Family Law
We're full service firm - with heart. St. Thomas Legal offers family law services in the areas of dissolution, divorce, non-contested, paternity, family…
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Estate Planning
Protecting your family by ensuring your estate is taken care of. We can help with last will and testament, power of attorney, health…
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Business Law
Starting your own business? The challenges are many but the rewards are great! Our office is excited for your new adventure and we…
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Criminal Defense
We offer common criminal defense services backed by our excellent experience in the areas of DWI/DUI, criminal theft, felonies, orders of protection, and…
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Traffic Law
Through our partner firm, The Traffic Law firm of Missouri, we've got you covered. We can help you with minor to high speed…
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Personal Injury
Personal Injury Law … Accidents? Slip and fall? These are difficult times in a person’s life. Dealing with increasing medical bills, doctors visits,…
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Peter Lassiter has been practicing Law since 2005, and stablished St. Thomas Legal LLC in 2014.
With over 15+ years of experience in our service areas, we’ve got the knowledge to succeed.
We will work diligently to ensure that no stone is left unturned, and your case is handled with the most current case law available.
We will listen, plan and act on your behalf with loyalty, transparency and respect.

Nothing but positive review here. I contacted Pete on a Saturday night and his prompt response helped me to solve the problem before it boiled over into a major issue. He's helped me on a number of cases with great results and I've always been pleased with the time he's taken to work one-on-one with me. I've also referred Pete to several customers with complex cases and he has delivered every time. My customers have actually thanked me for referring him. When was the last time you heard someone thank you for a lawyer? That is the type of service I can count on from them.
-Douglas D.-

Peter and Julie's professionalism and fun easy-going personalities are a gift. I did not expect a law office to be so in-tune with their clients, so interested in our family and personal success, and so helpful with the big and small projects we've got going on in life. St. Thomas Legal is truly a blessing to us! We feel like they've got our back no matter the situation, and that we can call them any time for help. Thanks to all of you!
-Ashley Wiskirchen-

I would absolutely recommend St. Thomas Legal's services to others. We recently went through the estate planning process with them, to make sure our documents and wills are updated and accurate. Our minds are at ease because of the sincerity and knowledge of Peter Lassiter to do what's best for us.
-Maureen B.-
Check out our law blog

Estate Planning Hurts My Head
Let's Take the Confusion of Legal-ezz OUT of Estate Planning with St. Thomas Legal
by Julie Lassiter, Office Manager
Gather all

COVID-19 and Your Case
On March 13, 2020, national and state emergencies were declared following the classification of COVID-19 as a pandemic. In response

2020 Brings New Normals Even for Our Office
2020 has brought many new things: people working from home, adjusting to online school, parenting/teaching/working all from home, an

Our office is here – even during COV-ID 19
No virus will get in the way of serving our clients!
Currently we are living in some strange times indeed.
At St. Thomas Legal our m

Don’t Go To Court Alone
Don't Go To Court Alone (Plus, 3 steps to preparing for your appearance)
Walking into a courtroom… There's a lot of hustle an

Have you been served?
You've been served with what?
by: Julie Lassiter, Office Manager St. Thomas Legal
Have you been served? Here ar

Co-parenting “Level-Up”
Taking co-parenting to a new (better) level
by: Julie Lassiter, Office Manager St. Thomas Legal
Parents, even after you are no lon

Teacher In The Middle
Teacher in the Middle
Ever heard of that game "Monkey in the Middle"... some divorce parents put their kids teacher in the middle and

Investing in yourself
Investing in Yourself
5 Tips from us on starting your own business
From personal experience, our office knows how stressful it can b