We’re full service firm – with heart.
St. Thomas Legal offers family law services in the areas of dissolution, divorce, non-contested, paternity, family access, and modifications.
We’re here with you.
Heart wrenching – many of our family law cases can be described with this adjective. Our office knows how important it is to work hard, and too look for ways to save our clients money on these cases that can be very costly and emotional. We help our clients set goals and we hard tirelessly to meet those goals without going to trial. We are not afraid of trial; in fact our attorney is incredible in the courtroom and during trial; but ultimately, we know that our clients are better off to settle and work with the opposing party, especially when children are involved. Attorney, Peter Lassiter is a family man! He understands the important of healthy roles for both mom and dad to work well together for the good of the child.